人工智能研究院学术报告 第2021-06-09期



赵阳,山东大学电子信息工程本科,北京航空航天大学电子信息工程硕士,美国犹他大学电子计算机工程博士,现为美国通用电气研究中心(GE Research)主管研究工程师,担任移动X-ray, 人体无线感知等科研项目负责人。研究方向包括5G、无线传感器网络、移动计算、信号处理与人工智能。近年来先后主持和参与工业物联网、智能系统等科研项目二十余项,涵盖医疗、电力、可再生能源等多个领域,获得GE影响力奖十余项。人体无线感知、无源定位及无人机自主设备检查等科研工作被英国经济学人、美国发现杂志、日本经济新闻等国际杂志媒体采访报道。担任ACM DATA Workshop主席,IEEE ICC、SECON等国际会议及TMC、TSP、TCOM等IEEE汇刊审稿人。


Mobile X-ray Tomography: A Case Study of AIoT in Healthcare


X-ray tomography in the mobile setting has the potential to improve diagnostic outcomes by enabling 3D imaging at the patient’s bedside. We propose to use artificial intelligence and IoT sensors for limited angle X-ray tomography on a mobile X-ray system. To enable mobile features such as low weight, size and power of system components, we have developed an X-ray detector pose tracking prototype and a patient anatomy tracking algorithm for accurately and automatically registering system geometry to patient anatomy during a regular X-ray acquisition period. We demonstrate the efficacy of a mobile X-ray tomosynthesis system, and evaluate the effects of the registration inaccuracy on image quality of reconstructed chest images using realistic X-ray simulation of a human thorax numerical phantom.



6月9日 09:00-10:00


会议号:839 875 680


Copyright © 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)国际人工智能研究院  地址:中国 深圳市 南山区深圳大学城哈工大校区信息楼18层   邮箱:ai_sz@hit.edu.cn

Address: 18th Floor, Info-Tech Building, HIT Campus of University Town of  Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China, Mail: ai_sz@hit.edu.cn