人工智能研究院学术报告 第2021-11-05期



范凤磊博士,本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,博士毕业于美国伦斯勒理工学院。目前在美国康奈尔大学从事博士后研究。研究方向为深度学习方法学与理论及其在医疗影像中的应用。读博期间,范凤磊博士在人工智能与医学成像领域发表有影响力的论文15篇,其中第一作者10篇。由于优异的表现,范凤磊博士获得IBM AI Horizon Scholarship的全额资助。


Innovating and Interpreting Neural Networks


Deep learning has recently achieved huge success in many applications, including natural language processing, computer vision and more. In these cases, deep learning can outperform or compete with humans. It is widely recognized that machine learning, especially deep learning, is a paradigm shift in many fields. However, there are still many challenges ahead. On one hand, over the past years, major efforts have been dedicated to architecture innovations in the field of neural networks, leading to many advanced models. Although deep learning is inspired by the computation of the neural system, current deep learning systems fall short of reflecting neural diversity. On the other hand, despite the fact that deep learning performs quite well in practice, it is difficult to explain its underlying mechanism and understand its behaviors. The success of deep learning is not well underpinned by the effective theory. Lacking interpretability has become a primary obstacle to the widespread translation and further development of deep learning techniques. In this project, we propose quadratic neurons to address the neural diversity problem in deep learning, where inner products (which are linear operations) are replaced with quadratic counterparts whose non-linearity enhances the expressive ability of the neuron. Further, we propose soft thresholding to replace ReLU activation for signal processing tasks. We will evaluate their feasibility in practical computer vision problems as well as medical imaging problems, thereby enriching machine learning armory. We will also develop interpretation methods for the inner working of neural networks and accountable theories for the success of deep networks.



2021年11月05日 09:00-10:00


会议号:758 665 211


Copyright © 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)国际人工智能研究院  地址:中国 深圳市 南山区深圳大学城哈工大校区信息楼18层   邮箱:ai_sz@hit.edu.cn

Address: 18th Floor, Info-Tech Building, HIT Campus of University Town of  Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China, Mail: ai_sz@hit.edu.cn